Saturday, August 5, 2023

who should do the dishes?

Have you ever look into the sink at home and noticing there's some dirty dishes, decided someone else going to do it? Truth to be told, it happened to me when I grew up I admit I did it numerous time and get frustrated that I am the only one doing it. I ended just washing my own and left the rest for other to clean. 

Someone will, perhaps my mom or dad. It never dawn on me, how I make subconscious decisions on washing or not washing the dishes will eventually set my character in the long run. I become calculative what I should do and only work the tasks given to me. (Spoiler alert, this changes as life happened). 

Those who decided other people should wash their dirty dishes, might become feeling privileged. Often they found shocking that life doesn't work that way. They will questioned why other people are not giving things that should be handed to them? They become spoilt. 

Perhaps, maturity will come to them eventually. So, next time you see dirty dishes im the sink, go ahead and wash them. Don't let them pile up and take longer to clean and you are less motivated to do it.